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- Inter-sectoral pulic strategies
- Holistic financial management
- Systemic legislative framework
- Behavioral changes
- Communication to resilience
- SIEDD Interoperables
- R&D - Productive education system

Responsible management Natural Resource:
- Eco-design & local materials;
- Carbonated cities resilietes;
- Clean production & technology;
- Industrial & territorial ecology;
- Valorization under precess products.

Responsible management Natural Resource:
- Eco-design & local materials;
- Carbonated cities resilietes;
- Clean production & technology;
- Industrial & territorial ecology;
- Valorization under precess products.

  • A promising central axis (green, N ° 1), putting the preservation, regeneration and resilience of ecosystems (bio-cultural heritage) at the heart of the societal model, integrating the ecosystem management of their biodiversity, networks of protected areas , cultural and religious components and the promotion of permaculture, at national, bioregional and local scales;  


  • Four axes consequences of the current industrial economic model of growth exerting pressure (yellow, N ° 2, 3, 4 and 5) on these bio-cultural heritages: sources of pollution, and health, climate change, desertification and migratory flows;  


  • Two axes towards resilient eco-societal models, emanating from the ecosystem management of these bio-cultural heritages (blue, N ° 6 and 7): sustainable food security and sovereignty and ecological and circular economy, based on the specificities of large national ecosystems , the potentials and vulnerabilities of biophysical resources and knowledge systems integrating traditional sciences;  


  • the transversal axis of governance (orange, N ° 8), for the alignment of transversal actions: national strategies and intersectoral public policies, holistic management of public finances, taxation promoting resilience, systemic vision of the legislative framework, systems of '' spatio-temporal and interoperable information, support for behavioral changes, communication strategy for resilience, R&D and operational and productive educational systems ...  


The vision integrates, at the level of each of these axes, the national strategies and thematic programs and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN), as well as the international conventions of the UN, allowing the synergy and coherence of these components. 

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