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Our services



By offering beneficiary societal actors to lead reflections upstream, within their entities (collective, multi-actors, multidisciplinary, multisectoral, etc.), on ecosystem resilience and empowerment, in relation to their specific needs in order to enable them to change their practices, to identify points of action at institutional, public, legislative, technical and technological, socio-cultural levels of action;  





Awareness of territorial actors (politicians, parliamentarians, decision-makers and technicians from the public, academic, private and associative sectors, civil society, local communities, representatives of conventions / international cooperation ...), at international, national, regional and local levels, to the global vision of 'ECOSYSTEM RESILIENCES' on the basis of its founding scheme. The awareness will focus on supporting the NGO in the transition between the current industrial economic model and resilient eco-societal models based on the characteristics, potentialities and vulnerabilities of large national and regional ecosystems; It will be adapted to each type of actor. This activity integrates all the means of communication that the NGO will develop to facilitate this awareness.  





Design and proposal of appropriate operational methods and tools for the effective implementation and operationalization of the ECOSYSTEM RESILIENCES approach and process;  





Training in ecosystem resilience, based on the components of the founding scheme, adapted to the different actors (politicians, parliamentarians, public sector, academics, private sector, associations, civil society, international cooperation, etc.);  




Technical and scientific assistance

Experimentation, through support, technical and scientific assistance, upstream, to: 

the design of strategies and / or public policies, procedures, legislative and regulatory texts and the optimization of institutional frameworks and / or mechanisms, promoting resilience and empowerment, 

the development and implementation of socio-ecosystem pilot projects, at international, national, bio-regional and local scales. 

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